Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wounded Warriors

Sorry, forgot the camera, but GU and I wanted to share a story that happened on our ride today.

Ride 2 Recovery (Wounded Warriors) were riding by Cambria today and headed to Pismo Beach for the night. We always love to join in with the riders that are traveling through our area. This ride had many amputee riders (riders missing a limb) and it was amazing to see. They rode in a double paceline, but the strong riders were encouraged to head to the back of the pack to push (yes push) the less strong riders to help them stay with the group. It was great to see. Of course, GU was a hit for most of the riders, many of them taking pictures or just getting a laugh.

After riding for a little bit we (GU and I) pulled up next to this nice gentleman. We started talking and he mentioned that one of the Shimano guys told him to throw away his SIDIs and wear this new pair of Shimanos. He was telling us he thought they were great, but probably needed to adjust them since his right foot fell asleep and his left was starting to. Everyone laughed while Gu and I looked over at the new shoes to see the gentleman was an amputee and didn't have a left foot. We enjoyed his sense of humor and hope they have a safe trip to LA.